Immune Support – Vitamin D
The Sunshine Vitamin – Vitamin D3
Roughly 42% of the American Population is Vitamin D deficient. Our bodies require adequate vitamin D3, the biologically active form of vitamin D to produce proteins that kill viruses and bacteria. Maintaining adequate D levels is protective against Acute Respiratory infection and will likely benefit your immune system. During this time of social distancing isolation can lead to depression and anxiety adequate vitamin D levels can help prevent this.
Vitamin D Deficiency has been linked to increased risk of respiratory infection while supplementation has been shown to reduce overall risk of Acute Respiratory Infections
- A 2019 study of 21,000 people looking at risk of Community Acquired Pneumonia showed a 64% higher risk in people with low vitamin D levels.
- Another study looking at Acute Respiratory infections in people with low D levels showed that daily administration of Vitamin D supplementation reduced risk of disease from 60% to 32%. D3 is immuno-supportive and is anti-inflammatory
- It has been shown that people with pre-existing lung conditions and obesity which are shown to have high levels of Vitamin D deficiency.
How to get your D??
SUNSHINE!!! Get outside into the sun without sunscreen for 15-20 minutes per day.
Food sources include: Oily fish such as Salmon and sardines, cod liver oil, eggs and liver.
In addition to the immune benefits Vitamin D also helps in prevention of depression, fibromyalgia, fatigue, osteoporosis, cancer, obesity and diabetes and promotes both bone and muscle health.
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