To Cleanse or not to Cleanse…

I am a work in progress, I will be the first to admit,  like many of you I am consciously making an effort each day to become my best self – happy, healthy, fit and fabulous in my 40’s. Today is a beautiful fall morning and I decided to go for a run…well rather a run/walk.  I have always relished the idea of being a runner and will some day but it is not easy for me. I hear that there is a runners high…I have yet to achieve it but refuse to give up.  As a busy mom the goal of being able to knock out 3 miles in 30 minutes is super intriguing to me. However before I ever run far enough to get to the high… my mind takes over and says…you “know no one is chasing you…you can walk” and so I do. The lure of the “quick” run before starting a busy day is filled with promise, it is “quick”, it’s cardio, and best of all it gets me outside in nature which is like church for me allowing me to feel one with nature in God’s beauty (a walk, bike or hike can do this also).

This morning as I was running through my neighborhood on my short jaunt I saw 2 lawn care trucks, BUT even before I saw them I knew they were there because I could smell the lawn treatment. I ran past one man spraying the lawn across the street and could taste the chemicals as I ran past, I tried to take shallow breaths so as not to inhale as much of whatever it was he was spraying but this is difficult when you are gasping for air as I do when I run. Anyway- this made me think…how toxic are we?  Sometimes I think…I eat pretty well, buy organic as much as possible, use whole food supplements and am not on any medications why would I need to detox…then I ran this morning. We are constantly being pummeled by toxins in our environment whether we are aware of it or not. This mornings run reminded me how important and beneficial detoxing can be from an environmental perspective. We are exposed to pollution in many ways: ingesting from the foods we eat, medications we take, the indoor air quality in our homes (paint VOC’s, carpeting, furniture etc) and outdoor pollutants. As we are heading into fall it is a good time to think about detoxing our bodies. Think you may need to detox? Take this quick toxicity quiz and see how you do. Toxicity Questionnaire.  Interested in a detox let me guide you through it with a gentle, whole food gentle 21 day detoxification from Standard Process Purification Program. Happy Fall.

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