So What is Applied Clinical Nutrition Anyway?

Applied Clinical Nutrition…what does that mean?

When I was looking for a Masters Program in Nutrition I wanted to make sure that I was in a program that looked at the person as a whole and focused on getting to the route cause of symptoms. The Master of Science in Applied Clinical Nutrition program I studied provided an integrative approach to obtaining optimal wellness including nutritional assessment, intervention, coaching, case management throughout each life stage, and lifestyle modification. Courses focused not only on on whole food nutritional therapeutics and supplementation but also the use of herbal remedies all based on clinical and scientific evidence. An important piece was learning to critically evaluate the literature and research in the nutrition industry as we all know this can be daunting, this course allows me to be able to provide clients with a concrete understanding of the data and how it impacts their health.

What can you expect from us at Whole Self Nutritional Wellness?

I have always had a passion for Nutrition, Health and Wellness. I knew that the quality of food that we put in our bodies had the power to heal and prevent chronic disease or be the cause of that disease. Through nutrition and lifestyle assessment we can gain a better understanding of the cause of symptoms and apply sound recommendations to reverse or prevent chronic disease. It is my belief that God has provided us with what we need to keep our bodies healthy in the form of whole foods and therapeutic plants, this is not to say that I don’t believe in Modern Medicine, but rather am a proponent of an Integrated approach ot health which allows for the partnership of conventional and alternative/holistic practitioners.

Through assessment of your symptoms, health history, dietary journals and lifestyle practices we can determine nutritional deficiencies/imbalances and provide nutritional intervention based on scientific and evidence based therapies to meet your wellness goals. Let us partner with to provide a support on your journey, we focus on a whole foods approach to nutrition which when partnered with lifestyle intervention such as exercise, self care, yoga, acupuncture, massage, adequate sleep, meditation, mindfulness practice and individual spirituality can support optimal health and wellness.

Call:  (502) 209-7955 or email [email protected]

We look forward to supporting you on your journey to health.

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