Itchy watery eyes, sneezing, running nose…oh my…spring allergy season is upon us
We are in the midst of spring allergy season. Pollen counts are at an all time high and expected to continue at this level until mid June. Come see us at Whole Self Nutritional Wellness, we can provide you with alternative solutions to over the counter and prescription allergy medications. Through Nutrition Response Testing® we can determine the underlying causes of your allergy symptoms.
We all know what seasonal allergens are: pollen, ragweed, molds, grasses etc. but what you may not know is that your response to these allergens is related to liver function, often times just supporting the livers ability to detoxify helps reduce allergy symptoms. Come for an initial consultation and let us help you get to the root cause of your allergy symptoms and support your bodies natural healing ability by providing whole food supplmentation from Standard Process.
Aside from coming to see us, here are some tips on how to survive this allergy season:
- Limit outdoor exposure on high pollen count days especially on windy days.
- Keep doors and window closed.
- Shower before bed.
- Wash bedding to remove allergens.
- Wipe down pets to prevent them from brining pollen inside.
- Stay hydrated to help make clearing mucous easier.
- Essential Oils: Peppermint, Eucalyptis, Frankensence
- Diffuse oil in bedroom at night
- Apply oils to chest and behind ears
- Choose an anti-inflammatory diet
- Eat cruciferous vegetables which help mediate the bodies histamine response by supporting liver detoxification.
- Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and lettuce contain glucosinolates which help the liver produce enzymes for detoxification.
- Use a Netti Pot to clear sinuses
- Apple Cider Vinegar helps block the histamine response and decrease inflammation –
- add 1 teaspoon of unfiltered ACV such as Braggs to an 8oz glass of water
- Stinging nettle is a natural antihistamine.
- Prepare tea with 2-3 tablespoons nettle in 8 oz of water, you may want to dilute or add more based on personal taste, lemon is a nice addition.
We would love to be part of your journey:
Call: (502) 209-7955 or email: [email protected]