Finding the Balance Between Healthy & Guilt-Free with Holiday Food

Those tantalizing smells that pierce the air during the holidays can send our self-control right out the window. Do you find you eat foods you wouldn’t usually eat during the holidays, and maybe eat more than you usually would, as well? I know I do, and I think that’s pretty typical across the board.

This year, I want to encourage you to go into the holidays guilt-free and smart. You don’t have to be riddled with guilt (whether you’re admitting it or not) or feel bad about yourself for that sweet potato casserole you’ve been eyeing all day. There are practical ways to enjoy those holiday foods you love without feeling guilty or deprived, and I’m going to share some of my tactics with you today…

Eat only what you love.

When the food is first served, take a good look at all of it. If it’s buffet-style, walk along the buffet first without taking anything to see what’s there and make your own mental map of the items that you genuinely love. Then, start at the beginning of the buffet and only grab those special items to add to your plate majority healthy items. Don’t waste your time on casseroles you only have lukewarm feelings for.

The same goes for desserts. The problem with the holidays is those big tables of cakes, cookies, and pies all for the taking. Again, choose your desserts wisely. If you find there are multiple desserts you want to have, cut tiny pieces of them so you can have a taste of each one. Also, really check in with yourself at the end of your meal and see if you actually WANT a taste of dessert. So often we do it out of habit or feeling like we’re supposed to, but if you don’t honestly want it, leave it on the table.

Stop feeling guilty.

Indulging for special occasions, with portion control in ind, of course, is absolutely fine. You deserve to relax with your loved ones and enjoy something special. Be mindful as you eat and savor it so you’ll truly appreciate the indulgences.

Start with low-cal to high-cal with your meals.

A great way to get to eat it all without overdoing it is to start off with lower calorie items. Salads that aren’t doused in dressing and broth-based soups are great starts. Then add
your main course and majority veggies. Once it’s time for dessert, you won’t have enough room to eat much at all. You’ll be able to take a few bites and savor them while feeling completely satisfied.

Put your fork down between bites.

This trick is great year-round. After every bite of food you take, put your fork down on the plate and take your hand away. Chew your food slowly, then swallow it before picking your fork up again. This helps you slow down and eat mindfully. It also allows you to talk to your loved ones and enjoy their company instead of being entrenched in eating.

By using these tips, you’ll taste more of what makes the holidays so delicious without overdoing it. They’re simple, and most importantly, they work!

Aside from what we choose to eat, exercise plays a part in this as well. It can be hard to stay active during the colder months. Those frigid, snowy days keep us holed up inside by the fire, and we slow down in general during these winter months. Even if you can’t make it outside as much as you’d like, find ways to get up and move during these cold months.

Wishing you a Fit and Festive Holiday Season.

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