Create a morning routine that works for you

Create a morning routine that works for you

How your morning goes can set the mood for the rest of the day, so you want to make it a good one. But does that mean you need to wake up at 5 am, take an ice-cold shower, and go for a run? Not 

Tips to calm the fear…

Fear can be overwhelming and paralyzing especially during this time, try and flip the switch and focus on what’s positive in your life rather than fear.    The health of your immune system is greatly impacted by your emotional health.  During times of fear and panic, our body 

Nutrition as Prevention

Per the CDC approximately 90% of the patients hospitalized for COVID 19 from March 1-30 had one or more underlying chronic conditions – the most common were obesity, hypertension, chronic lung disease, diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease.    The CDC states that “these findings underscore the importance of preventative measure including social distancing, respiratory hygiene and wearing face masks coverings in public 

Heart Health Tip: Avoid Added Sugar in your diet

Consuming too much sugar can be one of the greatest threats to your heart health. According to a Harvard Study published in the JAMA Internal Medicine 2014: “The effects of added sugar intake — higher blood pressure, inflammation, weight gain, diabetes, and fatty liver disease — are 

Get Curious

There is an old saying that curiosity killed the cat…such a negative connotation BUT curiosity has benefits. Lets take for example becoming curious about your health, this could be a great way to make 2020 your healthiest year yet. Become curious about your health. Curious 

Avoid MSG – choose whole foods

Avoid MSG – choose whole foods

In my practice I see many people with sensitivities to MSG – Mono Sodium Glutamic Acid.  MSG is a neurotoxin and has been linked to many health problems including blood sugar issues, fibromyalgia, neurological and brain health issues, disruptions in gut-brain connection, fatty liver, obesity, metabolic 

Simple Tips to Help Stop Overeating…

Whether it be emotionally charged, out of boredom, or pure mindlessness while at the table — overeating is something we’ve all done at some point. Our culture tends to overeat in general with larger portions than ever, but you’d be surprised how much smaller of 

Eat Food ~ Real Food

One of my favorite quotes is by Michael Pollen: “Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.” The first two words of this quote are super-important and sometimes super difficult if you are eating the Standard American Diet (SAD). Eat food – Real Food: Vegetables, fruits, 

2018 Pondering’s…wishing you a Healthy and Blessed 2019

As I sit here and ponder 2018 I consider the power of love and loss that touches us each on such a personal level at different times in our lives. We all have struggles on a daily basis, sometimes it is easy to see the 

Protein Energy Balls ~ for the Holidays and Beyond…

  Ingredients: – 1 cup rolled oats – 1 tsp chia seeds – 3/4 cup almond butter – 2 tablespoons almond milk – 2-1/2 tsp raw honey – 1 tsp vanilla extract – 1/4 cup cacao powder – Optional additions: craisins, finely chopped almonds, walnuts