Simple Tips to Help Stop Overeating…

Whether it be emotionally charged, out of boredom, or pure mindlessness while at the table — overeating is something we’ve all done at some point. Our culture tends to overeat in general with larger portions than ever, but you’d be surprised how much smaller of 

Food Journal Tips – Create the Habit

Food journaling is not really as awful as it seems though it does truly take a bit of effort especially in the beginning.  It is important to create a habit, they say 3 weeks is a good start but 66 days makes a habit, here 

Do I HAVE to do a Food Journal???

“I need you to keep a food journal”…this statement seems to cause even the most well intended person to stop dead in their tracks on the journey towards wellness. The Food Journal is quite possibly the most important tool to not only your Nutrition Practitioner