Tips to calm the fear…

Fear can be overwhelming and paralyzing especially during this time, try and flip the switch and focus on what’s positive in your life rather than fear.   

The health of your immune system is greatly impacted by your emotional health.  During times of fear and panic, our body goes into a state of flight or fright producing excess stress hormone (cortisol) which can suppress your immune system.   

By adopting calming practices, you can reduce cortisol levels and calm your system over-all.  Here are some tips from Psychology today to help you calm your emotions: 

Take a pause: 

When you sense the fear or worry pause and take slow deep breaths, deep breathing calms your body and helps ground you. 

Be aware of the present:   

When fear is overwhelming you, stop and be present, notice your external surroundings, take a few deep breaths and become aware of your senses – notice the colors, hear the sounds, notice smells and all the details of what is going on around you in the present moment. Being present in your environment will help to deescalate your thoughts calming the mind and body.   


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