Halloween Halloween…What do we do with the pounds of candy???

I LOVE Halloween, all of it!!!  Decorating the house, carving pumpkins, costumes, the smell of fall in the air, memories of trick-or-treating as a child.  I love seeing families together with their children roaming the neighborhood in search of treats and I love taking my children around and seeing their sheer joy and excitement.  What I don’t love is the literal pounds and pounds of candy they bring home that lasts forever and is a constant temptation  for young and old alike.  I believe life is about balance so I do let the kids eat some of their hard earned loot.  Halloween night they get some and then they are allowed a couple pieces after school for the first week or so.  It is hard for me to see all that candy knowing what sugar does to the body and knowing that my boys will be asking me daily for candy for breakfast, candy in their lunch, candy for snack when they get home from school, before dinner, after dinner it is non-stop until they forget about it or better yet…until the Switch Witch comes and takes it away…

If you have not heard of her it is a great way to get rid of your Halloween candy.  The Switch Witch comes and takes the candy for her cat, in it’s place she leaves a treat for the children in our case we have used a video, art supplies or game we can all play nothing too expensive and we only do one item for the three boys to share.  They don’t give us too much grief, we let them know she will be coming soon when we feel that it is time to get the candy out of the house then my husband brings it to work and lets his co-workers have it.  The first year we did it we printed out the poem online here is a link to some printable poems:  Switch Witch Poems.  There is also a book with a doll from the creator and many ideas you can check out on Pinterest if you are interested.

Happy Halloween!!

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