The Power of an Open Heart
I have been doing an heart open yoga practice for the the last couple week and it has me thinking…do I really want to open my heart in these tumultuous times? It can be scary to let yourself become more mindful and open, it is a beautiful thing but it also seems to bring a stronger sense of awareness and empathy to what is going on in the world today. No matter your political affiliation these are scary times, there is so much hate and negativity being forced on us in the internet age it can become overwhelming, but don’t let that stop you – there is such a need for open hearts willing to help each other out.
Take the time to breath and open yourself up to the beauty of this life the more we do this the more we will be able to push out the ugly. Reach out to someone in need, be the good. Spread the love and peace. This will not only help you on your journey to your best self but it will create a ripple effect…we can each be the change by looking inward and sharing the beauty from within. 10/12/2017