Paradigm shift – turn a “Setback” into a “Reset”
ˈsetˌbak/ noun 1. a reversal or check in progress. synonyms: problem, difficulty, hitch, complication, upset, disappointment, misfortune, mishap, reversal;blow, stumbling block, hurdle, hinderance, impediment, obstruction, delay, holdup. informal: glitch, hiccup |
rēˈset/ transition verb 1. set again or differently. Synonyms: changed, renew, revised, regenerated, transformed, established, corrected, revolutionized, improved, reconstructed, amended, reworked |
“SETBACKS” are a part of life and can be discouraging on our journey to overall health and wellness. But what if we thought of a “setback” as an opportunity to “RESET” instead. According to the dictionary a “setback” is a noun, a thing but a “RESET” is a transition verb…an action. As you transition to your healthy lifestyle remember that it is a transition and transitions take time and patience.When we go off course rather than get discouraged we can use it as an opportunity to take stock in what is working and what isn’t working on our journey to health and wellness.
For example if you fell off the wagon (had a “setback”) because you had back to back meetings all day at work was it because you were not prepared with healthy meals and snacks so you had to grab whatever was available? Then you know that you can work on being better prepared.
Was your “set back” due to not factoring time in each day for self care and because of this you have not been able to work out at all this week? Then you know that you need to work on making time for yourself. For each of these examples you can “RESET” how you are doing things a suggestion would be to use Sunday afternoon to prepare meals and snacks for on the go or set up your weekly calendar to include “me time”so your work outs are scheduled both of these are a great way to prevent hiccups in your progress.
As we make nutrition and lifestyle changes remember that it is a journey and should be taken one day at a time. In life there will be “setbacks”, the important thing is how we handle them, how we “RESET” and what we learn about ourselves in the process. Rather than throw in the towel and resort to old ways, “set backs” can provide a learning opportunity to help us understand more about ourselves and how we manage stress in our daily lives. When a “setback” happens pay attention to what is going on in your life: is it due to stress at work, finances, relationship, family emergency, holidays, lack of preparation etc…etc. When we take time understand our reactions to the stress of life we can learn how to “RESET” our reactions. Understanding the emotion behind the “setback” will empower you to handle the stress better next time.
Be patient with yourself and make sure to give yourself the same grace you would give your tires…
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