Planning for Success during the Holidays…

Most holiday meals are carb overloads. Stuffing and casseroles and freshly baked bread — it’s all delicious, but not a great variety of nutrients. Make sure you’re eating enough protein & fiber with every meal, which will help you feel fuller for longer. Fill your 

Finding the Balance Between Healthy & Guilt-Free with Holiday Food

Those tantalizing smells that pierce the air during the holidays can send our self-control right out the window. Do you find you eat foods you wouldn’t usually eat during the holidays, and maybe eat more than you usually would, as well? I know I do, 

Never too late…

I love this story!  83 Year Old with Dementia gets her memory back after changing her diet… Please whatever you do don’t let yourself get discouraged or think that it is too late to make positive health and lifestyle changes because it’s not. Making small changes 

Paradigm shift – turn a “Setback” into a “Reset”

  set·back ˈsetˌbak/ noun 1. a reversal or check in progress. synonyms: problem, difficulty, hitch, complication, upset, disappointment, misfortune, mishap, reversal;blow, stumbling block, hurdle, hinderance, impediment, obstruction, delay, holdup. informal: glitch, hiccup re·set rēˈset/ transition verb 1. set again or differently. Synonyms: changed, renew, revised, regenerated, transformed, established, corrected, revolutionized, improved, reconstructed, amended, reworked