Author: Gretchen Homer MsACN

Heart Health Tip: Avoid Added Sugar in your diet

Consuming too much sugar can be one of the greatest threats to your heart health. According to a Harvard Study published in the JAMA Internal Medicine 2014: “The effects of added sugar intake — higher blood pressure, inflammation, weight gain, diabetes, and fatty liver disease — are 

Get Curious

There is an old saying that curiosity killed the cat…such a negative connotation BUT curiosity has benefits. Lets take for example becoming curious about your health, this could be a great way to make 2020 your healthiest year yet. Become curious about your health. Curious 

Avoid MSG – choose whole foods

Avoid MSG – choose whole foods

In my practice I see many people with sensitivities to MSG – Mono Sodium Glutamic Acid.  MSG is a neurotoxin and has been linked to many health problems including blood sugar issues, fibromyalgia, neurological and brain health issues, disruptions in gut-brain connection, fatty liver, obesity, metabolic syndrome.  Sensitive people may experience brain fog, tingling, numbness, chest pain and palpitations shortly after consumption.   

There are at least 40 different ingredients that manufacturers use that contain MSG.  MSG is not just a flavor enhancer it is also a natural by-product that occurs when proteins are processed, therefore, foods that contain processed proteins contain free glutamic acids which wreak havoc on your system.  Interestingly this also occurs when we ingest protein rich whole foods however the glutamic acid is not released alone but rather with other amino acids which prevent whole food-based proteins from resulting in toxic MSG reactions.  Yet another reason to eat whole foods…    

The FDA does not require labeling of MSG foods unless the “added ingredient” contains 99% pure MSG, this means that if the MSG is a result of protein processing the FDA does not require MSG on the label.  Sadly, this is very misleading to the average consumer because even a product labelled “No MSG” can still contain MSG or free Glutamic Acid that is a by-product of protein processing.  Be aware that any highly processed foods contain MSG including but not limited to veggie burgers, frozen or pre-prepared vegan and health foods.  Key take-away:  Avoiding processed foods and opting for whole foods is the best way to avoid non-labelled MSG. 

See below for a list of Hidden Names for MSG.  According to Food Matters:  “A list so long can be overwhelming, and can provoke the feeling of, what is there left to eat? When trying to avoid MSG, the main focus should be on a diet of whole, unprocessed foods including vegetables, grains, legumes, fruits, nuts and seeds, organic and grass-fed meats, and organic dairy. Make sure your proteins are clean, preferably organic and grass-fed, and cook them at home or enjoy them at a restaurant whose practices you support, rather than eating excess processed foods”. (for full article see: 

Hidden Names For MSG And Free Glutamic Acid: 

Names of ingredients that always contain processed free glutamic acid.

Glutamic Acid (E 620)

Glutamate (E 620) 

Monosodium Glutamate (E 621) 

Monopotassium Glutamate (E 622) 

Calcium Glutamate (E 623) 

Monoammonium Glutamate (E 624) 

Magnesium Glutamate (E 625) 

Natrium Glutamate 

Yeast Extract 

Anything hydrolyzed 

Any hydrolyzed protein 

Calcium Caseinate 

Sodium Caseinate 

Yeast Food 

Yeast Nutrient 

Autolyzed Yeast 


Textured Protein 

Soy Protein Isolate 

Whey Protein Isolate 

Anything :protein



Names of ingredients that often contain or produce processed free glutamic acid 

Carrageenan (E 407) 

Bouillon and broth 


Any flavors or flavoring 


Citric acid, Citrate (E 330) 

Anything ultra-pasteurized 

Barley malt 

Pectin (E 440) 


Anything enzyme modified 

Anything containing enzymes 

Malt extract 

Soy sauce 

Soy sauce extract 

Anything protein fortified 


Through Nutrition Response Testing we can help you identify underlying sensitivities to things such as foods, chemicals (MSG), metals and other stressors that are causing symptoms.  Call today to set up your initial consultation (502) 209-7955.  We would love to be part of your wellness journey. 



Support Blood Sugar Control Naturally

Maintaining stable blood sugar is not only for those with Diabetes, Pre-Diabetes, Insulin Resistance or Metabolic Syndrome it is important for all of us. Blood sugar levels impact: weight, food cravings, energy, mood, brain function and the impact stress can have on our bodies. Here 

2019 Dirty Dozen & Clean 15

Did you know the EWG (Environmental Working Group) releases a list of the “cleanest” and “dirtiest” produce each year? This list is called the Dirty Dozen & Clean 15 — and it is absolutely helpful to know when buying your fruits and veggies. The gist 

Is your body’s “Check Engine Light” on?

It won’t be fine.  Don’t ignore your body’s check engine light.
I like to think of a symptom as the check engine light for the body.  If your check engine light in the car comes on you don’t cover the light with electrical tape and keep driving…well hopefully.  If you do this and ignore the light you know that soon the car will stop running…
Odds are when your check engine light comes on you call the mechanic and he goes over your car to understand what caused the light to turn on. The mechanic doesn’t just turn off the light he runs diagnostics and asks the car why the light went on, fixes the issue and returns the car to you.  If only we took as good care of our bodies/health as we do our car.
Instead in conventional medicine we try to turn off the light with out finding the “root cause” or reason the light came on in the first place. We mask the symptom/cover it up with medication or drugs, a band-aid if you will. BUT the symptom is the bodies way of saying – hey – something is wrong. There is an imbalance in the system.  By covering the symptom rather than addressing it we risk the issue becoming chronic, these chronic issues turn into the chronic diseases we are seeing with such prevalence today.  
Nutrition Response Testing provides an alternative to covering the check engine light, this muscle testing technique provides a way to run a diagnostic on your body to identify imbalances and areas of stress in the body allowing us to get to root cause of symptoms…wouldn’t you love to get to the bottom of what is making you not feel well and impacting your ability to live your best life?  Your body was intelligently designed with the ability to heal itself when provided with the right nutrients at Whole Self Nutritional Wellness we can help you support your body’s innate ability to heal.   Isn’t it time to try something new?  Schedule your initial consultation and hear what your body has to say.

We would love to support you on your wellness journey.

Call: (502) 209-7955 or email: [email protected]

Simple Tips to Help Stop Overeating…

Whether it be emotionally charged, out of boredom, or pure mindlessness while at the table — overeating is something we’ve all done at some point. Our culture tends to overeat in general with larger portions than ever, but you’d be surprised how much smaller of 

Eat Food ~ Real Food

One of my favorite quotes is by Michael Pollen: “Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.” The first two words of this quote are super-important and sometimes super difficult if you are eating the Standard American Diet (SAD). Eat food – Real Food: Vegetables, fruits, 

2018 Pondering’s…wishing you a Healthy and Blessed 2019

As I sit here and ponder 2018 I consider the power of love and loss that touches us each on such a personal level at different times in our lives. We all have struggles on a daily basis, sometimes it is easy to see the struggles people carry because they are obvious. The struggles of others are not so obvious as they don’t show on the outside but it does not mean they are any less real. My goal for 2019 is to try and see my struggles as the badge of honor they really are…see the beauty that they bring to my life and trust that the difficulties are part of the journey and make me a stronger more whole person.

2018 was filled with love and loss for me. My siblings and I lost our dad after a long struggle with his health. It was not a quick sudden loss but rather we lost pieces of him every day for the last 10 years or more. Loss is hard no matter what, I thought I was prepared but I still feel the shock and permanence of his beautiful spirit leaving the earth. At the same time I am comforted by feeling him around me ~ he is present in every moment, smile, wink, tear…he is here.

I am blessed to have been spoiled in love ~ my parents celebrated 51 years of marriage, high school sweethearts who embodied the example of “ to love, honor and cherish until death do us part”. Their example of faith, honor, love and my 6 siblings are the biggest gift a girl could ask for. The love between them was palpable to everyone as is their love for us.

My hope for all of us is that we can feel that level of love, devotion and faith in our lives, whether that means opening our hearts to those already in our lives and being more present even at the risk of getting hurt or treating strangers with the level of respect and kindness that we would treat family members with. We are the writers of our destiny and we can be the change the world needs just in the way we treat each other on a daily basis.

Sending love and light to all. You matter.

Wishing you a Healthy and Blessed 2019.

Protein Energy Balls ~ for the Holidays and Beyond…

  Ingredients: – 1 cup rolled oats – 1 tsp chia seeds – 3/4 cup almond butter – 2 tablespoons almond milk – 2-1/2 tsp raw honey – 1 tsp vanilla extract – 1/4 cup cacao powder – Optional additions: craisins, finely chopped almonds, walnuts