Author: Gretchen Homer MsACN

Healthy Tips for Traveling

How to stay healthy while traveling Traveling is a part of life, whether traveling for something necessary like a work trip or visiting family or traveling for pleasure on vacation exploring new places. Traveling can take a toll on our bodies when eating out more 

6 Natural Ways to Lower Cortisol

6 natural ways to lower cortisol


Cortisol is the body’s primary stress hormone. It plays a significant role in many bodily functions, including how it controls our blood sugar levels. It usually starts higher in the morning and then gradually decreases as the day goes on. 


Cortisol can also play a role in regulating the body’s sleep and wake cycles. It can also manage how the body utilizes nutrients like carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, helps to reduce inflammation, and plays a role in controlling blood pressure. 


When we are overloaded with stress, our bodies may need additional help to lower cortisol. These are some practical ways to lower cortisol levels and, therefore, lower stress.  


Health Nutrition Louisville KY

Lower tension. While it may be easier said than done, taking intentional steps to cut excessive tension from your life will only benefit you in the long run. Learn what your stress triggers are, and work to make a plan of action to adjust these situations in your life. We can’t alleviate stress completely, but we can learn to better deal with it as it comes.  


Eat a balanced diet. We should always be focused on eating a healthy and balanced diet low in sugar, but there are additional foods you can focus on that have been shown to stabilize cortisol levels. These are foods like dark chocolate, bananas, pears, black or green tea, and foods that contain probiotics, like greek yogurt. Staying well hydrated also keeps cortisol levels in check. 


Get some rest. Creating a nighttime routine that focuses on quality sleep is essential for keeping cortisol levels from spiking. Lack of sleep or prolonged periods of disrupted sleep can lead to increased cortisol levels in the bloodstream. Try creating a relaxing atmosphere free of electronics. 



Try meditating. Any type of mindfulness, meditation, or even deep breathing can help reduce stress, which reduces cortisol.  


Exercise more. Learning which exercises to try can be important. Intense workouts can lead to a spike in cortisol. But things like walking, a leisurely swim, or yoga can help to stabilize them. 


Use supplements. Both fish oil and ashwagandha have been known to lower cortisol levels, but should always be taken in addition to a well-balanced diet. Consult your medical professional before beginning any new supplements.  


Great relationships can also be a key to lowering cortisol levels, as they can induce feelings of safety and happiness. For example, adding a pet to the family is also great. Finding a hobby that your pet can be a part of can be a great way to elevate feelings of happiness and reduce stress. 


The first step to creating a balanced and healthy body is to be aware of how your body is currently operating. We must be able to observe areas we may struggle with increased stress. If we can do this, we can better pinpoint ways to improve our situation. Adding in just one or two of these practices to our day can significantly reduce stress, which leads to lower and healthier cortisol levels. 


Great relationships can also be a key to lowering cortisol levels, as they can induce feelings of safety and happiness. For example, adding a pet to the family is also great. Finding a hobby that your pet can be a part of can be a great way to elevate feelings of happiness and reduce stress. 


The first step to creating a balanced and healthy body is to be aware of how your body is currently operating. We must be able to observe areas we may struggle with increased stress. If we can do this, we can better pinpoint ways to improve our situation. Adding in just one or two of these practices to our day can significantly reduce stress, which leads to lower and healthier cortisol levels. 

Health Nutrition Louisville KY

Ready for Better Health?

You are the most important part of your health journey. We are here for guidance to help you on your journey. 

Create a morning routine that works for you

Create a morning routine that works for you

How your morning goes can set the mood for the rest of the day, so you want to make it a good one. But does that mean you need to wake up at 5 am, take an ice-cold shower, and go for a run? Not 

Tips to calm the fear…

Fear can be overwhelming and paralyzing especially during this time, try and flip the switch and focus on what’s positive in your life rather than fear.    The health of your immune system is greatly impacted by your emotional health.  During times of fear and panic, our body 

Nutrition as Prevention

Per the CDC approximately 90% of the patients hospitalized for COVID 19 from March 1-30 had one or more underlying chronic conditions – the most common were obesity, hypertension, chronic lung disease, diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease.   

The CDC states that “these findings underscore the importance of preventative measure including social distancing, respiratory hygiene and wearing face masks coverings in public settings where social distancing measure are difficult to maintain) to protect older adults and persons with underlying medical conditions”. 

What about prevention in the form of nutrition – it’s time to take back control of your health and make nutrition and lifestyle changes that will keep you out of the most at risk group.  Many of the underlying conditions that are putting people at higher risk for negative COVID 19 outcomes can be reversed and prevented through diet and exercise – it’s time to take your health into your own hands.   

At Whole Self Nutritional Wellness we offer “WellCare” let us help you to support your body’s innate ability to heal naturally through nutrition and whole food supplementation.   

We would love to be part of your wellness journey.  Let’s take back our health.  Call today to schedule your initial consultation (502) 209-7955.


Try Earthing this Earth Day

Happy Earth Day!   Make sure to get outside today and breathe in the beauty around you. The earth is critical to our survival providing us with fresh air, food, water and a place to live.  Re-connecting with the earth is critical to our overall health and wellbeing.  Sitting, standing, 

Immune Support – Vitamin D

The Sunshine Vitamin  –  Vitamin D3   Roughly 42% of the American Population is Vitamin D deficient.  Our bodies require adequate vitamin D3, the biologically active form of vitamin D to produce proteins that kill viruses and bacteria.  Maintaining adequate D levels is protective against Acute Respiratory infection and 

Tips on feeding your immune system: Vitamin C

Vitamin C 

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that boosts immunity, by encouraging production of white blood cells while supporting them to function more effectively.  Vitamin C also strengthens the skins barriers, our skin is our first line of defense against infection. 

Vitamin C deficiency has been linked to poor health outcomes.  The good news is it’s pretty easy to get vitamin C in your diet here are some great whole food sources:   

Vegetables:  peppers, tomato, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, mustard greens, romaine, sweet potato, cabbage, collard greens, swiss chard, okra, acorn squash, asparagus, green beans 

Fruits:  Citrus (oranges, grapefruit, lemons), cantaloupe, blueberries, strawberries, bananas, watermelon, pineapple 

Additional Benefits of Vitamin C:  it is cardio-protective, supports healthy blood pressure, protects against gout, helps wounds heal faster and boosts memory.   


We would love to be part of your wellness journey: Call (502) 209-7955

We’re Moving!!

We are growing into a new space! Starting on March 2, 2020 we will be in our new office in Middletown Manor: 12211 Old Shellbyville Rd, Ste C. Louisville KY 40243.